Anne Krapu-HPR Journalism Scholarship

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We will be accepting applications for the 2025 cycle from September until December 2024. Please see the Fargo-Moorhead Community Foundation website for updated information.

Mission statement
The mission of the Anne Krapu-HPR Scholarship is to assist in the training of North Dakota journalists who aspire to report honestly, fearlessly and in the interest of all citizens. Successful candidates will receive training that will enable them to report and write with clarity, objectivity and independence.

Annually, the Scholarship will award up to 2 candidates up to $3,000 in total to support the mission of the program. The funds will be used in a manner determined by the candidate and the board best suited to his/her needs. This may include activities such as a writing workshop, online writing course, or support for newspaper internships. The board is available to assist in designing a suitable program.

The Scholarship is open to residents of North Dakota over the age of 15 and preference will be given to applicants between the ages of 15 and 25.

Application process

  1. Two writing samples will be required although a larger portfolio of writing will be helpful. The first required sample will be an article of 500 words or less reporting on a local event or issue of the candidate’s choice. The second will be an opinion piece of 500 words or less on an issue important to the candidate.
  2. A CV with an emphasis on previous writing activities, community engagement and a letter or recommendation from a teacher or community member will be required.
  3. A statement of long term career goals and how the scholarship will help is attaining these goals.
  4. Get the APPLICATION at the Fargo-Morehead Area Foundation website.

We will be looking for people who are self starters, focused and persistent. The ideal candidates has the makings of a good writer technically and is able to connect with his/her readership. While the HPR is a publication that has a progressive agenda, the Board in this context values critical thinking and reporting as well. Because the process and skills to become a good journalist are long and many, previous recipients can reapply in successive years.

Selection committee
The Board of Trustees will serve as the selection committee. It is composed to 2 members of the HPR staff, 2 members of the Krapu family and 1 community member. Decisions will be made without regard to race, religion, gender, sexual orientation. Preference will be given to younger applicants as the goal is to support journalists in their beginning years. All decisions are final.

Reporting requirements
Within 3 months of program completion each candidate will submit a written report describing and evaluating their program. An exit interview by phone or in person will also be required. This is necessary to help future awardees use their scholarship most effectively.

For further information about donations and applications, please contact:

High Plains Reader

© 2018 Anne Krapu-HPR Journalism Scholarship