Anne Krapu-HPR Journalism Scholarship

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Anne Krapu

Madeline and Gary Krapu of Valley City and the High Plains Reader are pleased to announce the creation of the Anne Krapu-HPR Journalism Scholarship Foundation. Annually, the Foundation will award financial and mentoring support to 1-2 young writers who are interested in becoming journalists.

The High Plains Reader is a Fargo-Moorehead area paper which has published weekly for 24 years. The HPR, owned by John Strand and Raul Gomez, has been an independent voice reporting on the arts, local politics, entertainment and commentary on national and international issues.

Anne Krapu began her writing career at age 16 with a weekly column for the Valley City Times Record covering popular culture, politics, and social justice issues. She continued writing on these subjects, publishing in the HPR, Mantador and Say Anything blog while traveling throughout the world as a teacher and working as a political campaign staffer. She died unexpectedly January 2018 at the age of 31.

Now, more than ever, Anne's family and the HPR want to support North Dakotans aged 14-24 who wish to learn the skills necessary to report honestly, fearlessly, and for the benefit of all the reading public.

For further information about donations and applications, please contact:

High Plains Reader

© 2018 Anne Krapu-HPR Journalism Scholarship